About the show
YMTGT is back! As of 2019, Joey and bigheadjoe have reunited and are releasing episodes on a bi-weekly basis. Join us as we discuss Standard, Pioneer, Modern, and the latest exciting news in Magic: the Gathering, MTGO, and MTG Arena.
For more info about YMTGT, click here.
YMTGT is proudly sponsored by CoolStuffInc.com! Use promo code YO5 to save 5% off your next order!

Yo! MTG Taps! is also sponsored by Cardhoarder.com, our go-to source for Magic Online singles. Be sure to check out the Cardhoarder Loan Program; a flexible, affordable way to play many decks online!

Check out Decked Builder, an easy way to build MTG decks on your phone! Build, test, and price out decks; manage your collection, and more. Available for iOS, Android, Mac, and PC.
Yo! MTG Taps! on social media
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #24 Honk If You're Horned
November 6th, 2019 | 1 hr 21 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, pioneer, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bhj do a brief breakdown of Simic Whirza in Modern, and dig a bit into Pioneer, including reactions to last Monday's bans and predictions for the immediate future of the format. Then they discuss alternative solutions for fixing a broken Standard that don't involve banning cards.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #23 The Ballad of Field and Oko
October 21st, 2019 | 48 mins 17 secs
bo1, bo3, field of the dead, john lennon, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, mc5, mcv, modern, mtg, mtg arena, mythic championship, oko, podcast, standard, throne of eldraine, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bigheadjoe discuss the results of Mythic Championship V, the Banned and Restricted announcement, and the potential state of Standard post-Field of the Dead. Then they talk briefly about the new Pioneer format. No flips just fists.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #22 Stop Bitchin' Start Brewin'?
October 15th, 2019 | 1 hr 15 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, throne of eldraine, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bhj briefly discuss their Eldraine prerelease experiences and their current Standard/Modern decks before taking a deep dive into the history of bans in Magic: the Gathering, and the possible reasons for the recent sharp increase in demands for bans in Standard and Modern.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #21 Teferi Tale Theatre
September 23rd, 2019 | 1 hr 31 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, mtgeld, podcast, standard, throne of eldraine, ymtgt
This week Joey and bigheadjoe basically ignore the fact that it's the 10 year anniversary of the first episode of Yo! MTG Taps! and dive right into Throne of Eldraine spoilers for the whole show.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #20 Get Me The Prime Minister!
September 9th, 2019 | 1 hr 14 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, throne of eldraine, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bigheadjoe speculate on what the announcement for the next year of set names means for the future of Standard (and our wallets), the changes to the Historic format on MTG Arena, and then dive into Throne of Eldraine spoilers! (but not that quickly!)
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #19 Planewide Celebration
August 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 8 mins
b&r, banned, bo1, bo3, faithless looting, hogaak, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, rampaging ferocidon, sfm, standard, stoneforge mystic, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bhj discuss the sweeping Banned and Restricted announcements and what they mean for their respective formats. Then they discuss results and drama from Magic Fest Las Vegas!
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #18 The Player Hater's Tour
August 14th, 2019 | 1 hr 25 mins
bo1, bo3, esports, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, player's tour, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bigheadjoe discuss "The Future of Magic Esports" according to the eponymous article from magic.gg (which came out just as we were about to record and left us scrambling a bit). Then, we brought the hammers to Modern early in a new Fringe Division segment. Finally, we discussed what we expect the upcoming B&R announcement to look like, before doing a 30-minute deep dive into Joey's signature Azorius Control deck.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #17 MC Banhammer
July 31st, 2019 | 1 hr 3 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bigheadjoe discuss the results of Mythic Championship IV - Barcelona (which if it were following horror movie sequel conventions would have been in space), then they debate whether or not banning just Bridge and not also Hogaak was a mistake. Finally, bhj reveals his controversial opinion on MTG Arena. Now! That's What I Call A Good Clickbait Sentence.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #16 Eldraine You
July 18th, 2019 | 54 mins 7 secs
bo1, bo3, faeries, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, throne of eldraine, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bhj speculate on the newly released info for the Fall set Throne of Eldraine, then discuss post-Core Set 2020 Standard, post-Bridge from Below banning Modern, and post-tilt coping mechanisms.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #15 The Big Ban Theory
July 9th, 2019 | 1 hr 11 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bigheadjoe planned on mainly talking about the Banned and Restricted announcement and Core Set 2020 spoilers (and they did), but really spent a long time trying to decide if Arena is worth the grind or not. SPOILER WARNING: They are not sure.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #14 Red is Dead
June 19th, 2019 | 1 hr 4 mins
bo1, bo3, core set 2020, hogaak, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week Joey and bhj introduce their new Fringe Division segment with phenomenal music by The Phenomenal Ryan Germor, talk about the state of Modern now that Hogaak has taken over, and briefly discuss bhj's brief, miserable MCQ performance. Finally, they break down the first wave of Core Set 2020 spoilers, and incidentally gain 3 life.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #13 Mage's Ark
June 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 24 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bhj welcome Cardhoarder as a new co-sponsor of the show, and introduce their new Fringe Division segment. Then they break down the details of the Red Bull Untapped tournament series, the London Mulligan going into effect with the release of Core Set 2020, and the just-announced Magic: the Gathering cartoon coming to Netflix! Finally, they dive into Modern Horizons spoilers!