About the show
YMTGT is back! As of 2019, Joey and bigheadjoe have reunited and are releasing episodes on a bi-weekly basis. Join us as we discuss Standard, Pioneer, Modern, and the latest exciting news in Magic: the Gathering, MTGO, and MTG Arena.
For more info about YMTGT, click here.
YMTGT is proudly sponsored by CoolStuffInc.com! Use promo code YO5 to save 5% off your next order!

Yo! MTG Taps! is also sponsored by Cardhoarder.com, our go-to source for Magic Online singles. Be sure to check out the Cardhoarder Loan Program; a flexible, affordable way to play many decks online!

Check out Decked Builder, an easy way to build MTG decks on your phone! Build, test, and price out decks; manage your collection, and more. Available for iOS, Android, Mac, and PC.
Yo! MTG Taps! on social media
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #12 Brewer's Paradise
May 22nd, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, modern, mtg, mtg arena, podcast, standard, ymtgt
This week, Joey and bigheadjoe discuss why the most recent Banned and Restricted Announcement was mostly a non-event (unless you play Pauper), and discuss why Standard is currently a "Brewer's Paradise." Finally, they run out of time for Modern Horizons spoilers, and decide to dedicate the entire next episode to them!
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #11 Little Dread Riding Horde
May 8th, 2019 | 1 hr 11 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, mtg, mtg arena, mtgwar, mythic championship ii, mythic championship london, standard, war of the spark
This week Joey and bhj discuss the results of #MythicChampionship2 London, including the London Mulligan, Yuuya Watanabe's DQ, and Neoform combo. BHJ vents about the power of the Gods in #MTGWAR Sealed. Then they talk about the results of #SCGRich and their Standard brews so far!
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #10 How to Wrangle a Raging Kronch
April 24th, 2019 | 1 hr 53 mins
bo1, bo3, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, mtg, mtg arena, mtgwar, mythic championship ii, mythic championship london, standard, war of the spark
This week Joey and bigheadjoe discuss what they expect to see at Mythic Championship II: London and break down their top 10 favorite cards from #MTGWAR War of the Spark!
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #9 Planeswalkers, Pumping, Gas
April 10th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
arena, bo1, bo3, duo standard, esper control, magic, magic arena, magic the gathering, mtg, mtg arena, mtgwar, mythic invitational, previews, spoilers, standard, war of the spark
This week Joey and bigheadjoe discuss the Mythic Invitational, bhj's hatred of Esper Control (as the pilot for a change!), and #MTGWAR War of the Spark spoilers! (Yes we call them "spoilers" not "previews" now and forever, Amen.) OH YEAH AND DID YOU KNOW THEY MADE A WAR OF THE SPARK NOVEL?
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #8 Hashtag Banamorphose
March 27th, 2019 | 1 hr 3 mins
duo standard, magic esports, magic the gathering, manamorphose, modern, mtg, mtg arena, mythic invitational, serum powder, ymtgt
This week Joey and bigheadjoe push back against the constant demands for bans in Modern, then immediately pull a swerve and call for the banning of Manamorphose. Next, they try to wrap their heads around why anyone would ever play Serum Powder. Finally, they discuss Duo Standard headed into this weekend's Mythic Invitational.
YO! March 19, 2019 YMTGT Patreon Launch
March 19th, 2019 | 19 mins 17 secs
Joey and bhj announce the launch of their Patreon page and go over the tiers and goals. https://www.patreon.com/yomtgtaps
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #7 Sk8er BO1
March 13th, 2019 | 1 hr 1 min
Joey and bigheadjoe announce their new sponsorship with CoolStuffInc.com! Then they discuss War of the Spark, #GPLA, Modern Horizons' potential impact on the Banned and Restricted List, and Avril Lavigne. LINKS: Yo! MTG Taps! is proudly sponsored by...
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #6 The Cleveland Mulligan
February 27th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
Joey and bigheadjoe discuss Autumn Burchett's historic Mythic Championship win. bigheadjoe directly addresses anyone who might have a f***ing problem with that. They continue to lament the lack of Grand Prix coverage (because it IS a big deal!). Then...
YO! February 14, 2019 Nexus Banned on Arena Best of 1
February 14th, 2019 | 15 mins 42 secs
In the first installment of YMTGT bonus content, Joey and BHJ talk about the banning of Nexus of Fate in Best of 1 matches on Arena.
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #5 Make 'Em Have It
February 13th, 2019 | 1 hr 3 mins
Joey and bigheadjoe discuss their experiences at #SCGBALT and #SCGDFW, including Joey's seismic Modern shift and bhj's usual Standard shenanigans. Also, bhj finds out that Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf were both unbanned a year...
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #4 Just A Regular Prix
January 30th, 2019 | 53 mins 17 secs
Joey and bigheadjoe discuss the dea(r)th of Limited Grand Prix coverage at #GPNJ, their #MTGRNA Prerelease experiences, the importance of holding priority on #MTGArena, and our first impressions of Standard, including the results from #SCGINDY...
Yo! MTG Taps! YMTGT #3 Stop Bolting Yourself
January 16th, 2019 | 1 hr 33 mins
Joey and bigheadjoe get together to talk about their Top 10 cards from Ravnica Allegiance! LINKS: MTG Arena State of the Beta Ravnica Allegiance prerelease codes The Twenty-Six Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Mono-Red by Mike Flores ...