Yo! MTG Taps! Episode 9 - Ramping Up to Bestial Menace


January 27th, 2010

44 mins 35 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

A seven-parter! In this episode, we go over lots of different topics, most of which are in Section A. The other sections are each broken down by color as we discuss everything that had been spoiled at the time of the recording. (Monday, January 18th). Our friend Tim joins us on a rare weekday off for him. This one is a little epic.

The Worldwake Product section is now available, including the Orb of Insight.

For Mike Flores’ Grand Unifying Theory of Magic, check out VICTORY BACON!

Terry Soh’s Solar Flare in Standard (SCG Premium)

Patrick Chapin’s Theory of Everything (SCG Premium)

Gathering Magic – A Call to End the Reserved List

WrongWayGoBack – Full Art, Whenever Possible

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