Cro-host of Yo! MTG Taps! #jazz he/him/his #mtg #cycling #rasslin #comics #archaeology #cats #random #horror bigheadjoe#64493 on #mtgarena Master of Pruppets
bhj starting playing Magic along with Joey in 1995, and spent years playing Yavimaya Ants in an unsleeved Mono-Green deck that he updated whenever he saw fit.
And then in 2002, he saw Wheel and Deal. A romance was born, and bhj has tried to make the mill deck work whenever the opportunity presents itself. Since those days, he has tended towards aggro strategies in Standard, but his true love is Sealed Deck. He refuses to play Modern, but Joey will be doing his best to change that.
bigheadjoe has hosted 235 Episodes.
Yo! MTG Taps! - Key and Peele Nalaar
July 23rd, 2015 | 1 hr 16 mins
This week, Stephen and bigheadjoe build Sealed Decks and go over their Magic Origins Limited preparation going into this weekend's Grand Prix in DFW.
Yo MTG Taps! - Magic Porridges
July 16th, 2015 | 39 mins 33 secs
This week Stephen and bigheadjoe make up for last week's Monstrous podcast by delivering a brief summary of their Magic Origins prerelease experiences and then talk about the cards they thought overperformed or underperformed on the weekend.
Yo! MTG Taps! - Dig Deep, But Don't Dig Too Deep (Magic Origins Set Review)
July 9th, 2015 | 2 hrs 4 mins
This week, bigheadjoe is rejoined by Stephen Marshall as they make up for lost time by going over the full Magic Origins spoiler.
Yo! MTG Taps! - Imaginary Exclusive MTG Origins Spoiler - Quicksand Witch
July 2nd, 2015 | 1 hr 47 mins
This week, bigheadjoe is thrilled to announce the formation of Team for GP Detroit and is joined by teammates Jeff Zandi and Levi Gaines while Stephen is away mourning the Knicks' draft disaster to talk about MTG Origins spoilers &...
Yo! MTG Taps! - Top 43 Magic (GP Vegas Recap)
June 4th, 2015 | 1 hr 3 mins
This week, Stephen and bigheadjoe record on the street, Top 8 Magic style, in Vegas, and are joined by Joey Pasco for part of the episode to discuss their experiences and bigheadjoe's 43rd place finish.
Yo! MTG Taps! - Wishes Don't Resolve (GP Vegas HYPE)
May 26th, 2015 | 1 hr 10 mins
In preparation for GP Vegas, Stephen and bigheadjoe discuss their performances at a Modern Masters 2015 Sealed GPT, Stephen breaks down a few drafts, then they each build a deck from the same sealed pool and test a few games to compare the builds.
Yo! MTG Taps! - bigheadjoe Quits Standard
May 21st, 2015 | 1 hr 22 mins
This week, bigheadjoe quits Standard, and Stephen and bhj discuss the full Modern Masters 2015 spoiler, a week later than they intended but #FamilyComesFirst
Yo! MTG Taps! - Maine Is The Worst State
May 7th, 2015 | 1 hr 3 mins
This week Stephen and bigheadjoe discuss the Standard results from SCG Portland, GP Toronto, and GP Sao Paulo. Then they discuss the Modern Masters 2015 spoilers so far.
Yo! MTG Taps! - The Casby Show
April 30th, 2015 | 1 hr 36 mins
This week, Stephen and bigheadjoe are joined by Chris Casby of the on-hiatus Scrubland podcast after bhj ran into him at Common Ground Games randomly to discuss their PPTQ experience, GP Vegas, Modern Masters 2015, and pizza.
Yo! MTG Taps! - A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing
April 23rd, 2015 | 1 hr 2 mins
This week, Stephen and bigheadjoe discuss the results from SCG Providence and discuss their 2 very different Dragons of Tarkir Game Day experiences.
Yo! MTG Taps! - Your Hand Is Hot Lava
April 16th, 2015 | 1 hr 23 mins
This week Stephen and bigheadjoe discuss Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir (including a statement on Patrick Chapin's game loss courtesy of Joey Pasco!) and then look at the innovative decks from SCG States, Spring Edition, Part 1, Section B.
Yo! MTG Taps! - Surfboard or Scoreboard (Is Blah Blah the New Blah Blah)
April 9th, 2015 | 1 hr 8 mins
This week, Stephen and bigheadjoe discuss Joe's performance with Affinity at a Modern GPT, discuss the SCG Open from New York, and make predictions for Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir.